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Become a recognised and accredited Sustainability Champion

Earn the Sustainability Champion sticker by completing our four hours of CPD certified learning covering sustainability basics, green skills, applying sustainability at work and personal action.

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Explore the Sustainability Champion course

Key Topics

There’s a lot of information to get your head around in the world of sustainability, so this pack is designed to get you up to speed on the basics of environmental issues and science.

Green Skills 101

This pack provides a quick rundown of core concepts in sustainability practice and legislation - learn how we are fighting the climate crisis at a business, national and international level!

Applying Sustainability

Scientific and professional knowledge are both vital to creating sustainable change - but so are a whole range of interpersonal skills. This pack covers soft skills ranging from communication and relationship-building to prioritisation and data literacy. 

Personal Actions

Big changes start with individual action. This pack is your springboard to acting and living more sustainably today - take stock of changes you've made and learn new ways to make a difference both personally and in your work life.

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